👋 Hi there! My name is Ziniu WU. I am a Postgraduate Researcher in Robotics at the University of Bristol (UoB) and affiliated with the Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL). I am co-supervised by Dr. Bahadir Kocer and Prof. Arthur Richards. My research focuses on Continual Learning for Dynamical Systems to enhance their adaptation and robustness in unconstructed and dynamic environments.
Before starting my PhD studies, I have undertaken Research Internships in Robot Learning at the Shanghai AI Laboratory and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Prior to that, I received an MSc in Robotics from the University of Bristol, and a BSc in Applied Mathematics from the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.
📰 News
- [Sep 2024] 🎉 I started my PhD study at the University of Bristol.
🤖 Research Interests
- Robot Learning: continual learning, multi-task learning, meta-learning, incremental learning
- Robotics: motion planning, optimization, controls, mobile robots, dextrous manipulation
🗂️ Selected Publications
Yijie Chu†, Ziniu Wu†, Xiaohui Zhu*, Yong Yue, Eng Gee Lim, Paolo Paoletti
ArXiv, 2024.
Ziniu Wu, Yijie Chu, Xiaohui Zhu, Qilei Sun, Yong Yue*
IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 2024.
Dandan Zhang†, Ziniu Wu†, Jin Zheng†, Yifan Li, Zheng Dong, Jialin Lin
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM), 2024.
The complete list of my research publications can be found at .
†: equal contribution. *: corresponding author.
✍️ Teaching
- MSc Robotics/Aerial Robotics Dissertation
- Graduate Teacher, CADE, University of Bristol
- AENG30017, Research Project 3, Term 2, AY2024-2025
- Student Lecturer, Optional Course Program, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Introduction to Robotic Systems Development, Term 1, AY2022-2023
🔥 Open-source Projects
- Fast-UMI: A Scalable and Hardware-Independent Universal Manipulation Interface, Work done during an internship at Shanghai AI Lab. [project webpage]
- USV-Autonomy: Full-stack software for USVs based on ROS1 (under development)
- Morden implementation of telemanipulation controller for Lite6 Robot [project repo.]
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